Send your HIDDEN GEMS for training this Women’s Month
Every August, GREEN Solar Academy run a campaign called the HIDDEN GEMS Challenge designed to encourage more women to pursue careers in the solar industry. And we make it easier for women to get the training they need to succeed in those careers by given them 20% OFF any training they book and pay for –  for themselves or another woman – during Women’s Month. The campaign, now in its fifth year, aims to boost diversity and empower women across various roles in the solar industry.
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Rwanda to have its cannabis production facility in September
Rwanda is set to have its cannabis production facility in September this year following the latest update by the contractors that the completion date has been pushed to give time for a new access road to the site be constructed.

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Pratley’s perfect horticultural growing medium

Grolite from Pratley, is a horticultural product that allows seedlings to germinate more effectively by maintaining enough moisture within the root zone. It also aerates the soil up to the surface level which stimulates root growth as it is far less compact than clay

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Uncertainty rises as the local agriculture sector faces increased risks

In recent years, the global agriculture industry has faced significant supply chain challenges. From geopolitical upheavals to the far-reaching impacts of the climate crisis, maintaining stability has become a hard task. South Africa has not been immune to these hurdles – with the added pressure of having to navigate a number of unique challenges such as loadshedding and infrastructure limitations.

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Major grant for British bio-input company will boost African agriculture

Providing sub-Saharan smallholders with a cost-effective alternative to expensive artificial nitrogen fertiliser has come a step closer for British agri-biotech company Legume Technology, following the award of a grant from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

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AGRA Unveils Initiative to Support Potato Value Chain in Kenya

In a move to increase potato productivity in Kenya, AGRA in collaboration with the National Potato Council of Kenya (NPCK), Egerton University, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) and County Governments of Nyandarua, have unveiled a programme dubbed Kenya Sustainable Potato Initiative (KSPI).

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FARMERS REVIEW AFRICA published by Mailing Times media, it is Africa’s premier farming magazine which provides updates of news and analysis on topical issues of national and international importance in agriculture. The publication links the technology applied in the Agricultural sector to the field experience of professionals in this area.

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