Another successful year for WikiChallenge African Schools!

1. A project by the students of Beb Djabli Primary School in Teboursouk as part of the WikiChallenge Ecoles d'Afrique 2023/23 competition by User:Bsghaier

2. Young athletes from KUA C School in Burkina Faso. Photo by User:Fasouagadougou

3. School pupils in Côte d'Ivoire participate in a WikiChallenge Écoles d'Afrique project. Photo by user:AigleroyaleCommons. 

All images CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

We celebrated the winners of the 5th edition of WikiChallenge Écoles d'Afrique during a special live streamed edition of WikiAfrica Hour, which can be seen here

WikiChallenge is the annual competition — organised by Wiki in Africa in partnership with the Orange Foundation — for school pupils aged 9-13 in French-speaking African countries. The training and writing programme is designed towards teaching students and their teachers how to use wikimedia tools to acquire and share knowledge, and gain new skills in digital technology, collaborative writing and information research.

Over the course of the programme, the school pupils get to experience critical thinking and peer review processes, as well as begin their journey into understanding intellectual property rights, free licensing and open source. 

WikiChallenge Écoles d'Afrique is fostering the next generation of African digital savvy, well-informed e-citizens taking charge of their own local knowledge. That is, the next generation of African wikimedians. 

    2022/23 WikiChallenge African Schools Stats!

    10 Countries

    (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Guinea Conakry, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, DRC, Senegal and Tunisia).

    190 Schools

    110 Texts submitted by students

    630 Photos and 4 videos produced by the students

    13 Winning institutions

    Congratulations to the winners!

    WikiChallenge African Schools Awards ceremony in Madagascar, June 2023. Photo by User:Anthere CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    All the wonderful articles written by children during the 2022/23 edition from the 10 participating countries, including those from Moroccan schools that participated for the first time, can be found on Vikidia, the children's Wikipedia, here.

    The winners are as follows:

    International awards

    • Ikopa , by the Behenjy public primary school (Madagascar)

    • Melhfa , by the Oued Chiaf school (Morocco)

    • Ksours de Tataouine, by Ras El Oued Smar Tataouine primary school (Tunisia)

    National awards

    Jury Favourite Prize

    • Bandia Reserve , by the Grand Mbour 2 school from Mbour/Thiès (Senegal)

    Looking forward to our 6th edition of WikiChallenge African Schools

    The 6th edition of WikiChallenge African Schools launched this month, and for the first time will include schools from an Anglophone country, Sierra Leone.

    Go to the Meta page for more information on this vital Wiki in Africa education project. Or watch our compilation video of participants from countries that took part in the competition's 5th edition here.

    Finally, a warm welcome to three new Wiki in Africa board members!

    Wiki In Africa is pleased to announce the addition of three new members to its Board of Directors. The new board members are regionally and linguistically distributed, bringing years of experience in the Wikimedia and Open Education movements, as well as alternative, contextually-relevant perspectives.

    The new board members are:
    Dominique Eliane Yao, a communication and public relations specialist from Côte d’Ivoire who is the first president of the Wikifranca Committee, and has previously been the Vice President of Wikimedia Usergroup Côte d’Ivoire.

    Tobechukwu Precious Friday is the founder and operations coordinator of the language services company, Smarter Languages Hub, the co-founder and Program Coordinator, Igbo Wikimedians User Group, and a Wikimedian in Residence at the Moleskine Foundation. 

    Gino Fransman is the founder of the Education Influencers project at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa, is the current Africa Hub Coordinator and Advisory Board member of UNESCO’s Open Education for a Better World (OE4BW), and is the 2021 winner of the Open Education Awards of Excellence: Emerging Leader.

    Read more on these appointments here


    Get involved! Stay informed!

    Receive monthly updates, news and opportunities from the WikiAfrica movement through the programs of Wiki In Africa. These projects include Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Women, WikiFundi, the ISA Tool and WikiChallenge Ecoles d'Afrique. You can Unsubscribe at any time. 

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    CC-BY-SA 4.0 2022 Wiki in Africa