March into Africa - The season is dawning
Back in January 2009, we hosted the first African Hunting Expo. It was a small group of African outfitters in Toronto, Canada. These boutique shows grew across Canada – also in Atlanta, GA.
Today, the model of outfitters promoting themselves, and for you booking your hunts, is changing. It has had to for so many reasons.
The delivery of information (and entertainment) can’t just be at a venue in some hotel once a year. It can’t be just over a weekend. It can’t just be via a quarterly printed publication. It is to be every day and every week, on a variety of platforms all year round.
Based on who we know and what we know, we are here help you. There are over 500 outfitters across the continent. Many may be outstanding. Some aren’t. What we do is try promote the better ones and help you make the decision with whom to hunt. ‘Hunting for Africa’s greatest spots’ was the slogan of our shows back in 2009. We have the same commitment helping you today. More than 10 years later, are some of those original outfitters from way back then. Now, in the comfort of your home, as northern temperatures slowly rise, you can browse through this AHG Monthly. Growing in content, growing in reach. And just below this is the info on our African Dawn program, the list of distinguished outfitters and we encourage you to book with them directly.
Share with a friend if you enjoy the content – and if you are marching to Africa in 2022 - we look forward to you visiting.
Richard [email protected]