Game Animals of Africa: The Poster
15 years after my first attempt at an animal poster (very poor one I might add), it was time for a well overdue update.
So, I contacted Michael Brett, the map guru (cartographer is the fancy term these chaps use) and friend, and along with a fair amount of searching and designing, we got a neat plan together. Not only the hunting countries, the areas, parks and everything you need if you are interested in this magnificent continent – but also 111 different animals and some of the more impressive, or distinctive, sub species. All onto a single poster. From Aardwolf to Zebra (actually there’s a few different zebra) and over 100 different animals in between.
It’s a beautiful reminder, and for many, I hope, a wonderful informer, of Africa’s diversity of game animals. Not surprising, when I hear hunters at Afton say they’re coming out to hunt serval, caracal and civet, I get excited. Not because they aren’t hunting the big, iconic species that everyone generally does, but because they understand that there is equal excitement and interest in all our game – and at 111 on this poster, there’s a lot!
I hope it helps broaden your interest, whets your appetite, and ultimately, motivates you to get back and start adding to your list.
Richard Lendrum