Info Letter Issue 0205B


Thank you for all the kind and wonderful responses you have been sending us. Much appreciated!

We, however, made a big whoopsy on the SEA COTTAGE article. Apparently Chat GPT has some serious flaws and we relied too heavily on it. Sorry about that to all concerned.

Below, is the corrected article. Thank you to Samesh Mohanlall for pointing out our mistake.

We have also added some questions and answers to some of the queries that we have received.

PS: If you have some ideas for articles we would love to hear from you.

The Formgrids Team

(Editor: Wolfgang - [email protected])

The SEA COTTAGE article corrected 

In our previous mailer we were hoping to save some work and use Chat GPT. Well, that was a mistake.

The SEA COTTAGE story is still a very good story. So here is the rewrite in done the old-fashioned way.

Trainer Syd Laird with SEA COTTAGE

SEA COTTAGE: The Legendary Racehorse That Conquered Hearts and Tracks

In the annals of horse racing history, a few names command as much reverence and admiration as SEA COTTAGE. This legendary racehorse, was born on 14 October 1962 at the famous Birch Bros Vogel Vlei Stud in Dordrecht in the North-Eastern Cape.  He would go on to captivate racing fans with his exceptional talent and unrivalled spirit. Known for his breath-taking speed and unwavering determination, SEA COTTAGE left an indelible mark on the sport of horse racing and the hearts of fans.

SEA COTTAGE was not offered for sale but instead leased to trainer Syd Laird for his racing career. When Syd saw him for the first time, he was not impressed.  His near-fore was twisted and he was lightly framed.  Later Syd would say that SEA COTTAGE was a docile and an even tempered horse who would erupt occasionally. Syd added that SEA COTTAGE was probably the most intelligent horse he had known.  His initial training was uneventful. He did not show much in his early gallops.

However, things changed and SEA COTTAGE quickly showed promise as a two-year-old, displaying an innate grace and power on the track. But it was during his three-year-old campaign that the horse truly blossomed into a force to be reckoned with. SEA COTTAGE clinched an impressive string of victories, including the prestigious Durban July Handicap and the South African Derby.

What set SEA COTTAGE apart was not only his undeniable talent but also his unyielding spirit. The horse possessed an unwavering determination that drove it to surpass expectations time and time again. His tenacity and heart resonated with fans, who affectionately dubbed him the "Peoples' Champion."

SEA COTTAGE's impact extended far beyond the racing world. He became a symbol of hope and inspiration, demonstrating that with hard work, perseverance, and a touch of magic, dreams can be realized against all odds. His story touched the lives of millions, transcending borders and igniting a passion for horse racing in the hearts of many.

Today, as we reflect on the glorious career of SEA COTTAGE, we celebrate not only his achievements but also the legacy he left behind. The horse served as an embodiment of the timeless bond between humans and animals, showcasing the beauty of the equine spirit and the magic that unfolds on the racetrack. SEA COTTAGE may have crossed the finish line for the last time, but his memory will forever gallop in the hearts of those who witnessed his extraordinary journey.

Note: With our association with Betfred we are now able to add more features to Formgrids and to Fantasy Racing.


Some Questions Answered

As a trainer in Mauritius I would like to know where I can view race replays.

Formgrids posts the race replays from 4Racing and Gold Circle.

For your convinience the YouTube links are posted daily after each race. On the race results page you will see a movie camera icon.

Currently the race replays are for South African racing.

PS: We have been given the idea to show an advert the the popup box for a few seconds before we display the YouTube video player. What do you think of this idea? 

I am not quite sure where the "green" buttons are. Please explain.

On each result, each race card and even each entry, there is a button that says "Formlines". The background of the button is green which is why we call it the "Green Button".

Clicking this button opens the Formlines Finder as a separate mini-app.

Our Sponsors and Advertisers

Please don't forget to support our sponsor, Betfred.

That's it for this issue...

Happy form studying...

The Formgrids Team


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