20 August 2020

Striving to be the best we can for our teams is a winning approach for these times of change. See an inspiration for what the 5 differences are between being a boss and a leader:

  • A boss tells you what to do. Leaders show how it's done.
  • A boss looks to blame. Leaders look to fix.
  • A boss says "I". Leaders say "We".
  • A boss instills fear. Leaders earn respect and inspire.
  • A boss acts short-term. Leaders create culture, give feedback.

‘The most important lesson of great leadership is that leaders always work for the people’. – Simon Sinek

We are standing by to assist you and bring you peace of mind wherever your food endeavours may take you. 

The FACTS team


Is your honey authentic?

Honey is widely consumed for its sweet taste, unique flavour and considerable health benefits. However, its high price tag and the increasing demand for honey have led to a considerable food fraud risk. How do you know that you are getting the genuine, high-quality honey you’re paying for? With guidance from regulations and an understanding of the desired outcomes, FACTS has created a Honey Quality and Authenticity test to put your mind at ease.

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Learn more and browse through our categories in our news section of the FACTS website. You may find our Food Fraud & Authenticity or Regulations & Labelling topics useful.


Foodstuffs vs. Medicines: how do we distinguish between them?

The well-known saying goes: ‘It is the dose that makes the poison’. But this is not the only factor we need to consider when distinguishing between foodstuffs and medicines.

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FACTS offers Regulatory and Labelling Assistance. Contact us today for more information or any query.


Allergen labelling: Significant impact on product sales and market

It was recently revealed that 85 million Americans are impacted by food allergies, and avoid buying products labelled with the top nine allergens – which include the eight common* South African-regulated allergens. This consumer group is said to spend $19 billion annually on food products that will keep them healthy and avoid an adverse food-related event.

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The FACTS team can assist with ensuring your allergen labelling is compliant as well as implementing and maintaining robust allergen management plans.
Contact us for more information.


Back by popular demand | Online Practical Allergen Management Workshop

We have added a second round of our popular Online Practical Allergen Management Workshop. Join us on the 21st – 23rd of October 2020 as we bring you our upgraded and redesigned workshop with a program focused on a step-by-step walkthrough of the different aspects of a well-rounded allergen management plan and its implementation.

The workshop spans over three consecutive days, starting late morning and ending early afternoon to accommodate you.

Sessions include frequent interactive sessions, breaks and practical exercises to fend off webinar fatigue and designed to facilitate learning at a more relaxed pace and thereby decreasing your absence from daily responsibilities.


Lab-Grown Meat: Ready, Steady… Wait

Lab-grown meat products are not yet commercially available, but multiple organisations and research groups are racing to bring product to market. How close are you from braaiing your first lab-grown steak? It’s Friday night, and the scene is set for a braai – but this time, the meat was not harvested from an animal, but grown in a lab…

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Unsure of how to solve an allergen or food safety related challenge?
View our services such as Allergen Testing, Food Fraud Prevention, Food Regulations and Standards, Consumer Assurance programs, Testing and Interpretation, Training and Facilitation on our website or contact us now for more information.


+27 21 882 9883 | [email protected] | www.factssa.com
Office 11, The Woodmill, Vredenburg Rd, Stellenbosch, Western Cape 7600, South Africa

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